
The population of Gilboa, New York is approximately 1,300 people. The low population leaves plenty of room for houses to be surrounded by a multitude of nature, including mine. Three fields stretch vertically facing the front of the red cabin I live in, which can be viewed from the large window in the front of the house, while tall birch trees tower over the sides and back. In the spring and summer, I enjoy watching the birds, deer, and other animals wander through the woods and fields. During the winter, there is much less of that. The bitter cold of the winter in Gilboa is also a beauty, but a very different one. There is an extreme sense of silence in the air, and the lake effect over the mountains provides many grey, cloudy days. In the winter, no amount of books I read or movies I watch can shake my feeling of isolation. The daily walks I take give me snow-covered trees, frozen lakes, and leafless tree mountains to look at, and I absorb the grey of it all. The peace and serenity of nature in the winter can be extremely relaxing, but constantly having nothing much around can lead the reality of being truly alone to become an obstacle.