About Coalesce

Coalesce is an online magazine that releases a new issue every two months which covers a new social issue. The purpose of Coalesce is to allow to teenagers to collectively address the social issues which we currently face and to share their unique perspectives in order to create an impact.

Coalesce means to “unite for a common end” or “to grow together”. 



Founder and Lead Editor

 My name is Kamie Aran and I am a first-year student at Cornell University that is passionate about computer science, literature, and art. I explore my interest in computer science through the development of my app, Gieia, that allows teenagers to assess their mental health. I also delve into the intersection between computer science, literature, and art through the articles that I write on Medium. I created Coalesce in order to develop a platform for teenagers to share their perspectives on current social issues and to make an impact.

Editor and Contributor

 My name is Hannah Epstein, and I am a first-year student at Bryn Mawr College whose main interests are STEM based and include space-exploration, astronomy, and physics. Many of my articles on Coalesce explore how science plays into social issues and the impact that STEM has on our daily lives. Currently, I am the founder and president of my high school's "Women in STEM" club and the president of my high school's Moot Court team.


Contributing Photographer

My name is Danny Dolan and I am a first-year student at Boston University who spends his free time taking photos and working on them. I have a background working with architectural and aerial photographers but am passionate about photojournalism. I sell prints both in galleries and on my website and donate a portion of sales to various charities. Additionally, I've been recognized nationally through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.