
Our purchasing power has the ability to determine which products survive on the market. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are relying on customers more than ever. It is now the time, more than ever, to root out the harmful weeds of child labor in the landscape of business malpractice.

It is as much the customer’s duty as it is the producer’s to participate in an ethical trade that  does not rely on the exploitation of others. Oftentimes, we are not informed of the truth about where products are sourced from and who is responsible for their development. In a time where markets are globalized and fast products depend on the backs of the unregulated workers, it is difficult to find products which are reliably safe in truthful business practices. Even businesses themselves are lied to by their sources of product. Many companies are hesitant to question any further. This situation applies to the Mica mining business for health, cosmetic, plastic and all shimmering products. Mica is only one crack in the ice of a chilly lake of inhumane business empires. 

It has been one year since the outburst of the Mica scandal hit the world by storm. But Mica mining has been an issue for the last decade. Mica is the glittery group of minerals that are vital to creating shimmering products from the hint of it on toothpaste to the vibrant display on highlighter. Mica is sourced from all over the world. However, much of it comes from the illegal practices of countries such as Madagascar and India. These countries, and American businesses that are partnering with them, are not holding accountability for the exploitation of child laborers. Children work in tiny, dark, narrow mines without any safety gear or supervision. They bear the risk of falling, breaking their bones, and dying. The lack of proof and transparency from these countries allow for underpaid child laborers and the brutal reality of children who are scrambling to make a couple cents a day. They may not be stuck inside their home during a quarantine, but they are still risking their lives for the products that we buy online. 

Thus, here is a reminder to check the truthful source of your products and help ethical business under quarantine. As we may not be purchasing as much in further years to come, it is important that the market gears towards more sustainable and properly sourced material for the products we do buy.  This is the moment to stop funding businesses that are torturing children! Do your research on the truth behind these products. Check labels. This is a truly unique opportunity, where you can truly bring a difference to the future of the market. 

Here you can read about the Responsible Mica Initiative and production responsibility. In addition, an analysis of the Covid-19 shopping industry emphasises how important consumers’ choices are in business success during the epidemic: 


Sustainable Mica Sourcing - Our sustainable procurement policy

Buying for a better world

Coronavirus shopping industry
